
Jacksonville PADI Open Water Scuba Certification Class

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Safe and Fun Jacksonville Padi 5 Star SCUBA Dive certification in one weekend from Jacksonville's oldest and most respected scuba shop. Purchase online or give us a call at (904) 270-1747 and start today! 

How it works:

  1. Purchase course or eLearning online or give us a call at (904) 270-1747 to get started.
  2. Complete eLearning and paperwork: You will receive a separate email from PADI with the e-learning information. This takes about 12-14 hours of online training so be sure to plan accordingly. You must be in good health to participate. If you have any YES answers on the medical questionnaire that we will provide you will need to be cleared by a physician prior to any in-water training.
  3.  Purchase your mask, fins, and snorkel ahead of time at Atlantic Pro Divers to insure perfect fit, best experience, save time and money. As an APD student, you receive 10% off Amazon prices towards quality American scuba brands. Due to covid and personal fit requirements we do not rent masks. 
  4.  Reserve weekend: Call or stop by the shop to pick a date for the course.  We require 4 or more students to sign up for the group course and may reschedule if the course does not fill. Typically during the summer months we are running courses every weekend with the rest of the year being about every other weekend. 
  5. Pool and Open Water Weekend: You must be able to swim and in good health to participate in this class. Pool sessions are held here at Jacksonville Beach every friday.  
  6. The Open water certification dives take place about two hours away so please plan accordingly. We stay overnight in Dunnellon, FL and can recommend some hotels.


Orientation/Pool- Thurday Afternoon 6:00pm  Meet at the shop (Atlantic Pro Divers 314 14th Ave North, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250) to meet with an instructor for gear orientation.
Pool Session to follow at Beaches Aquatic Center in Atlantic Beach or to be determine place and time.
Day 2: Saturday 8.00 AM-5:00 PM Open Water Dives 1 and 2. Devil's Den Williston, Fl (2:30 hours from Jax Beach)
Day 3: Sunday 7:30-12:00 Open Water Dives 3 and 4.

Certification Completion: If you successfully completed all requirements of the course and returned your gear, we will process your certification. You will receive a temporary card via email if you want to have a hard card needs to call Padi. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us (904) 270-1747.


Our Students Also Save 10 -15% On Scuba Gear off of Amazon & Google Prices.
All Books, PADI elearning, Crew Packs, Log Books, Dive Tables, Park/Springs Entry Fees & Scuba Gear Rentals, Dive Computers are ALL Included. (Rental equipment Does not include Fins, Mask and Snorkel).